Amrit Kalash Yatra in Jammu & Kashmir | A Tribute to Heroes and a Symbol of National Unity

Amrit Kalash Yatra in Jammu & Kashmir | A Tribute to Heroes and a Symbol of National Unity Amrit Kalash Yatra was taken out from October 23 to October 31, 2023 in Jammu & Kashmir. When there are echoes of Amrit Mahotsav in the country, Meri Mati Mera Desh campaign will be started to honour the brave men and women in the country. In this campaign we will also take an oath to fulfill the five basic principles. Amrit Kalash Yatra will be taken out across the country. This journey will also bring with it plants from different parts.All the Amrit Vatikas of the National War Memorial will be constructed using the soil and plants found in 7500 Kalash.

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