High-Tech Poly Greenhouses Transform Farming in Budgam, J&K, Improving Livelihoods for Farmers

For us farmers in Jammu & Kashmir, the agriculture season used to start in March and end in November. After the introduction of high tech poly green houses by the Department of Agriculture, we grow vegetables throughout the twelve months, said Budgam farmers. We consume these vegetables and sell them in the market. This is our only livelihood. The whole family gets involved in it from morning till evening. We earn a good income from it, farmers in Budgam said. The Department of Agriculture teaches us new techniques and we do not have to labour hard. From previously doing hard work now we work smartly. The Agriculture Department officials keep coming to us farmers to give us right advise to earn profits. Now we farmers are able to meet the daily livelihood expense of our families. I have 12 kanals of land and I grow different varieties of vegetables said a farmer. Another farmer is growing two varieties of brinjals in 5 kanals of land. The brinjals fetched me Rs 2 lakh-2.50 lakh, said the farmer. Before the brinjals, I had grown cardamoms, which gave me Rs 1.50 lakh. Circle Narkara is part of Budgam district. It has been declared as a vegetable cluster. The vegetables are grown in 130 hectares of land. The vegetable crops in massive quantities go to the markets. Around 1000 farmers are working here. The Budgam administration is always ready to do handholding of the farmers. In these rows we planted cucumbers and tomatoes which gave a good yield. For the farmers, their children, families and the farming community and society this is a very big step. The farmers sent out a message to the unemployed to get associated in the agriculture work to see happiness in their households.

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